Monday, July 27, 2009

Blog 11

Blog 11.

This will be my last blog from China.

This morning we met at 8:30 to go off to the Beijing Zoo to view the Pandas. There are only 30 pandas around the world’s zoos. All of them borrowed from the Chinese. If the Panda gives birth while on loan to zoos, the citizenship remains with China. That is their agreement with all the countries. America pays close to one million to borrow the Pandas we have on display. Pandas have very short lives—about 30 years. They eat Bamboo and fruit. They are lazy, but cute. There have been studies in China with regard to reproduction and the pandas are very reluctant to mate. There is only a short period around 7 – to 10 years of age. Artificial insemination is being used. Also, they have studied that Panda in captivity have become so reluctant to mate, that they have resorted to showing Pandas films of other Pandas mating. I think this is the only porn allowed in China.

Viewing the pandas was very difficult because of the crowds of people. It was like Times Square Subway station during rush hour.

The weather is holding today, although it is hot it is dry. We’ve had rain, but only showers and they only last while we are indoors and stop when we go out. The gods are looking after us.

We left the zoo after a short time and road to the Summer Palace. Again a magnificent place for the past emperors. I wonder what they would say when they look over the vast land and gardens they had for themselves and their court and now find it is open to the masses who are descending on their land.

Got back to our hotel about 1PM. I’m too tired to do any more tourists things. I’m getting old. Tonight we are having our farewell dinner—Western style. Supposedly steak. Have to pack tonight, as we have to be up and ready to put our luggage outside our rooms at 5:00 and leave at 5:30 AM for the airport.

I was going to take BART home rather than car service, but my dear son, (love him), ichatted me and said he would pick me up. After having to be up at 4:30AM to be ready to leave at 5:30AM a day later than I arrive, flying all day to arrive at 9:50 AM Monday. I lose a day. What a blessing to be able to see a familiar face to help this weighed down exhausted person get home.

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